LHS manages the Littlebourne allotment site on behalf of the Parish Council. The site comprises approximately 80 plots of various sizes , to suit tenants’ requirements.
Residents of the Four Villages Community are welcome to apply for a tenancy.
New applications may be made at any time of year. Depending on availability you may be placed on a waiting list. Please email your application to lhslittlebourne@gmail.com with contact details and an
outline of your requirements. Once a tenant takes up a plot rental they automatically become a member of LHS.
1. Water conservation measures must be adhered to.
2. Please treat the allotment toilet with respect.
3. Please note the allotments are not a playground or a children’s party venue and should not be used as such.
4. COCKERELS are forbidden on the allotment site. Any poultry keepers who have them should remove them as soon as practical.
5. The use of CARPET for weed suppression or soil warming is BANNED. Instead, use MYPEX or a similar water-permeable membrane. Black polythene sheeting may be used for short
periods only. Neither material should be used for long periods to avoid grow-through of perennial weeds and couch grass, making removal laborious.
6. Please check out the notice board at either entrance for other important announcements.
LHS Committee members - to be updated
Name |
Plot |