Did you know that Littlebourne has an Emergency Plan Team ? We all know that we have Emergency Services who deal with most types of emergency, BUT a major incident could occur in our village when they could not reach us quickly (such as deep snow, extensive flooding or a major incident elsewhere). This obviously means that we need a Plan to help ourselves if the Emergency Services cannot reach us.
Please help us to improve this Plan ! We need to know certain things FROM YOU:
If you can answer YES to any of the above, please make this known to our Parish Clerk, Gail Hubbard either by emailing clerk@littlebournepc.org or 01227 721500
Please also remember your vulnerable neighbours. A lot of them are very independent and don't like to ask for help.
The Environment Agency has made some changes to the Flood Warnings they issue for the River Stour. These changes should make Flood Warning messages more relevant to local communities and easier to understand.
Residents are encouraged to register for the service via their website (https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings) or Floodline (0345 988 11 88).
(If you are already registered to receive Flood Warnings you will automatically receive these new Flood Warnings.)
New Flood Warning information for our Parish:
For Littlebourne residents our Flood Warning Area is called: Little Stour.
You will need quickdial number 0125342 to access these messages when you call Floodline and select option 1.
If you have any questions please contact Floodline on 0345 988 11 88 or the local EA Flood Resilience Team on kentfloodwarning@environment-agency.gov.uk
A hard copy of this leaflet What should I do in an emergency along with an application form from UK power networks on how to get extra support during a power cut for those who are vulnerable can be collected form the Parish Office between 9.15am-1.15pm mon, wed and Fri