The contribution made by local organisations to the wellbeing of the community is recognised by Littlebourne Parish Council as important to our society. The purpose of any grant or subsidy given by the Council is to support initiatives in the local community and to help create opportunities for residents of Littlebourne that are not, as a matter of course, funded by the Council.
Littlebourne Parish Council sets aside a limited amount in its budget each year to allow donations to local organisations. In recent years this has been in the region of £3,500 per year.
Eligibility criteria
Grants cannot be made retrospectively and application must be made in advance of the project commencing.
Awards may be for start-up initiatives for new organisations/projects as well as grants for existing organisations.
Applications will be considered for day-to-day running expenses and individual projects.
Grants awarded must be:
- to benefit Littlebourne and its residents – and the application should demonstrate clearly how the grant will help and how many people will benefit
- For a specific purpose and which is not directly controlled or administered by the council.
- Not for an individual
- Not for religious purposes
- Not for political purposes
- Not for private organisations operated as a business to make a profit or surplus
If the organisation has had a grant previously they are not guaranteed to receive financial support again, but are not excluded from applying again, but a fresh application will be required each time.
How to apply
Applications should be made in writing. Please apply to the Clerk for a standard application form or download one below along with the Policy document which contains more information.