Church Services….
1st Sunday 11:00am Parish Communion
2nd Sunday 11:00am Parish Communion
3rd Sunday 11:00am Parish Communion
4th Sunday 11:00am Parish Communion
Parish Priest: The Revd Dr Lesley Hardy
Church Wardens (arrangements):
Karen Mount 01227 721908 /
Karen Weaver 01227 728467 /
Social Afternoon in the lounge of the hall
1st Thursday of the month 2pm
3 October 2024
7 November 2024
5 December 2024
Come and enjoy a friendly and welcoming afternoon.
Contact 07757 678181 for further information
The Chapel in Nargate Street is now open on Sunday afternoons at 3pm for worship - all are welcome. It is also available for hire
Contact Peter Hollander 01227 761803 or
All enquiries to Roz on 721605.
Meetings held second Tuesday of the month
The society is looking for new committee members. If you are
interested in helping in the work of protecting our local environment, please contact the Secretary, Christine Le Jeune (721431), or the Treasurer, Malcolm Withers (722927),for more information.
Bingo in the lounge of the Littlebourne War Memorial Hall
Third Thursday in every month at 2pm
2024 Dates
17 October
21 November
19 December
Come along and enjoy a friendly and welcoming afternoon
Contact 07757 671818 if you require further information
Meetings held on Tuesdays,
at the Recreation Club, Littlebourne at 8pm.
Littlebourne & District Royal British Legion
We are looking for more members to join our Branch and would be delighted to hear from anyone locally who is interested. You do not have to be an ex-service
person but just somebody who is interested in supporting the Legion.
If this is you please call 01227 472023 (Vice Chairman) and we will be pleased to give you more details. You can also join online at
A team of supporters are usually at work on the site on a Sunday morning between 10.30am and 12 midday. You are welcome to wander around the reserve during this time and see what is happening.
Littlebourne WMH
Wed zumba 10-11am £5.50
Wed Zumba Gold (60+) 9.05-9.45am £5
Jen 07905 945218
Thursdays 9.30am & 10.30am
For more information
Email Us: - Call us: 01580 891727
Littlebourne WMH
Every Tuesday
9.45-11.15am Diet & fitness
11.15-12.00 stretch and tone
Call Lisa 07835 615457
Please contact Lisa for details
Littlebourne WMH
Yoga with Roy is a one hour class suitable for all levels including beginners.
Working on three areas of mind, body & spirit using Hatha yoga, Asana and Pranayama.
Mondays 7-8pm
Contact Roy 07927 416363
The Fish & Chip van visits the War Memorial Hall carpark Fridays 4.30-7.30pm
Pre order or book for functions;
07889 218355
or visit
Bonfires are not an environmentally friendly way to get rid of waste, and they may fall under the Environmental Protection Act if they are a persistent nuisance.You should always dispose of your rubbish responsibly. You can get rid of garden waste and household waste at the recycling centre in Vauxhall Road, Canterbury. If bonfires are causing a frequent problem, speak to the people responsible - they may not know they are causing an issue. If this does not resolve things, keep a record of the dates and times of the bonfires and Inform the Environmental Health Team at Canterbury City Council who will then look into it further.
Parish Council Request with regard to Parking in Littlebourne The Parish Council have been alerted by a number of residents of parking problems in the Village.
One of the major difficulties that we face is that on street parking in a number of roads in the Village is reaching saturation point and other vehicles and their drivers are having greater
difficulty in negotiating a way through. In particular service vehicles, such as the weekly rubbish collection and potentially emergency vehicles are affected. These are not all large vehicles but
parking on both sides of a narrow street can make it difficult for cars and vans to drive through.
All of our roads are common property and everyone has a right to drive along them, irrespective of the type and size of vehicle. Inconsiderate parking can be seen as obstruction in the worst of cases
or, at best, a great inconvenience to others. No-one has a right to stop traffic or hinder its passage; neither do they have a right to a parking place on the road outside their house.
It is not possible to build car parks since we have neither the resources nor the land.
The message from the Parish Council is simply this, when parking please give more thought and consideration to other road users so that the widest part of the road is unobstructed (ie not across the
road from another parked vehicle) and be prepared to leave your vehicle some distance from your house if necessary. Acting in this way could help the situation and reduce the necessity for future
parking restrictions to be considered.
The Parish Council thanks you in anticipation of your cooperation.