LPC Traffic Action & Highways Sub Committee


Accident Reports The Parish Council would be most grateful if anyone would report any accident that they see has happened in and around the Littlebourne area especially on the main A257 between Canterbury and Wingham. We need to keep records of all accidents, minor and major, we would rather hear about them more than once that leave them unrecorded. Contact Cllr Cate Reid Tel  721831 cllr.Reid@littlebournepc.org or any parish Councillor.


Speedwatch The Parish Council are looking for volunteers to perticipate in speedwatch through our village. This would entail training to be a member of one of our teams to monitor speed at various points in the village and to record speed and vehicle details. These details are then passed onto a central Kent Police database and letters are sent out to drivers who are in excessive of the allowed speed limits. If you are interesting in trying to combat the speeding vehicles in the village please contact Cllr Cate Reid as above.



A257 Group


Several LPC Cllrs are part of The A257 Action Group, which is concerned with the A257 between Sandwich and Canterbury. They have carried out a lenghtly study of the route and the feeder roads in the various villages along the way.


They have been documenting incidents and highlighting blackspots along the road. They have now produced a plan, divided into geographical sections with a map, denoting hazard areas of the roads and its junctions, including congestion and difficulties with pedestrians.


The Plan was presented to members of Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Kent County Council, Kent Police and the MPs for Canterbury and South Thanet. A copy of this plan can be seen below


The A257 Plan
A257 Plan September 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]


Hall Bookings

To enquire about booking Littlebourne WMH please contact Gill Estcourt at littlebournehall@gmail.com or 01227 728444/07484 156524

Please try and call within office hours



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